Thursday, July 8, 2010

First 35 Beds Arrive in Haiti!

Just a few short weeks ago, first shipment of 35 beds to Hôpital Sacré Coeur cleared customs in Cap Haitien and were delivered to Milot. In his letter thanking 100 Beds for Haiti for campaigning, fundraising, and delivering the beds, Delnatus said that "this donation was one of the most important shipment that we have received during the earthquake."

Certainly the efforts of 100 Beds for Haiti has spread far and wide, receiving logistical and monetary support from all over the world! Yet, it has been almost six months since the deadly earthquake, and according to U.N. General Secretary Ban Ki Moon Haiti still has not received enough aid on the ground.

Speaking to a BBC News radio program out of Jamaica, Moon described that immediate humanitarian assistance is only being received at 60 percent the initial pledged donations. While the 100 Beds for Haiti Campaign is proud of the donation they have made so far.

Thanks for their help and support and if you can do something as well to help do not hesitate to contact them.

We have a lot of work ahead of us let's us all be part of it as little it might be.

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